Is The Isogenics Program A Scam Or Can It Live Up To Its Impressive Claims?

Over the past couple of years the Isogenics cleansing program has become quite a popular choice for people wanting to cleanse their body and lose weight, however because it is sold through a network of independent distributors there have been instances of inflated claims which has damaged the reputation of the Isogenics products.

For those who are not aware of this cleansing program, Isogenics claims to cleanse the body of impurities, toxins and parasites. They also claim that this will in turn help the body to shed extra weight as it achieves it natural balance. An unpublished university study is often quoted where it is reported that participants lost an average of 7lbs on the 9 day cleansing program.

Because Isogenics is only available through independent associates and not though health food shops or specialist outlets it is very difficult to control the messages these people are using, however the company recently took a positive step to improving their image. They now require all promotional materials, such as leaflets, websites and newsletters that are designed by Isogenics independent associates to be verified by their in-house compliance department. Doing this will help to ensure associates don't use inflated or untrue claims.

Looking beyond the marketing hype and Isogenics claims, the product does contain a range of natural ingredients most of which have been shown to have cleansing and detoxifying properties. These ingredients have been blended in a professional, scientifically tested formulation and it is encouraging that they publish a full list of ingredients.

Compared to a number of other colon cleansing products that have recently appeared on the market, Isogenics does seem to have tested their product to ensure it is reliable and safe. The product has been used by thousands of people around the world and they claim to have many repeat customers.

Isogenics is more expensive than many of the products available and before purchasing any colon cleansing product it is worth doing research to find the best product to you're your needs and budget. Often products that are sold through independent distributors are more expensive than products sold directly or via mail order.

Cleansing products generally have been increasing in popularity as people look to cleanse their system of the toxins and parasites that build up inside us as a result of our poor diets, modern lifestyles, medicines and pollution.

Isogenics became very well known and popular in a very short space of time, which led to a number of websites and high-profile individuals claiming it was a waste of money. However the product seems to have stood the test of time, is well formulated and above all safe. It is unfortunate that some of their associates have made exaggerated claims which have affected the reputation of the Isogenics program.

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